Saturday, December 29, 2012

And here we go ...

So, a blog.  I follow several and realized that bloggers are just normal everyday people (like myself).  I have thoughts, life experiences and professional advice I could share with others - so why not?  The internet is choice specific - people make choices about what to view, ergo if people want to view my blog they can, but by no means will anyone force them to.  So, I made the decision - I figured, hey I'm going into a new year, why not start a blog?  So - I did!  And here you are reading it, lucky you!

So, why?  Well, there are many reasons why.  Facebook only allows status updates to be so long after all, but not only that.  Since becoming a mother (and following other moms that blog), I realize that personal experiences as a parent, as a woman, as a working professional - all these experiences can actually help others who are going through (or about to go through) something similar in their own lives.  So, why not share?  As I stated before, no one is making anyone read anything they don't want to.

So what can you expect?  Basically my thoughts & rambles in a readable format.  I have a lot of interests and a busy life so topics will constantly vary.  I keep pretty active tabs on the current political and economic environment (heads up, while I fall in the middle, I tend to lean liberal) as I believe these have a direct impact on my life.  I like a lot of entertainment - such as TV, books, magazines, etc (but don't expect me to comment on the latest episode of X Factor as I basically loathe reality TV - except for HGTV).  I've just started crafting again - various things such as knitting, scrapbooking, wall art making and appliqueing (so expect to see pics of my projects).  My day job consists of working in the finance department for a large multi-national company - you can occasionally expect to hear fascinating bits of financial or tax related information or advice that may be pertinent to you. And my overall life revolves around my son, Bryce, who is 14 months old - yes, you can expect to hear about (and see) a lot of him.  I also plan to feature reviews of particular products (as I've seen on other blogs) - I personally find those reviews helpful and like to do research before I purchase something I've never tried before so I figure why not share my personal stance on a product with others.

I have no plans to have a set format, no plans on the number of postings per day - no idea if anyone will even follow this thing, but the truth is, I get joy out of putting a bit of myself out there for others, so if it goes well - great, if not - that's ok too.  I look forward to getting to know you!

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